Sunday, 9 October 2016

Finalised idea for digipak

Below is our finalised annotated idea for our digipak. We decided to choose an image of the singer (actress) for the font cover as we wanted to create star image by familiarising the audience with the artist. We also decided on using a head-shot as we had previously found out from research on RMA's that a lot of other well known artist's such as Lana Del Rey have also used the same promotional technique.We are also planning on making the red paper boats a metaphor of her in the song set sail, as she moves on from her current relationship. Therefore it was important to incorporate them into the inside panel as it allows a preview of the music video to the audience.
It was difficult to decide on the final digipak idea between the two of us as we both were unsure if wanted base our theme around water or love. In the end we decided on water as we didn't want love to overpower the singers star image.

I decided to create a more realistic version of my finalised idea on Photoshop using images I found online. As it was only a draft I didn't any extra or informative information.

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