Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Costume research

My partner and I wanted to reflect the genre of indie pop through costume and makeup. When looking at other Indie pop artists/bands such as Birdy and The XX we noticed their style is very simplistic which can be particularly relatable to a young audience.

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Image result for the xx
The XX


Image result for gif kyle and lola
Kyle and Lola from the movie LOL

Douglas booth <3 ....and Miley Cyrus -__- (LOL movie): Related image
We decided on two different costume changes for the girl as she features in two places within the music video, her bedroom and outside.

Image result for fluffy pajamas instagram
We envisioned our actress wearing fluffy pyjamas in the location 1 (bedroom) as it will reflect her mood and set the location of her bedroom. The natural look will make the character more relatable to the audience.

In location 2 (outside) the girl will be wearing autumnal clothing; winter coat, jumper, jeans and boots. The clothing will be a clear representation of the time of year.

From research we found out that actors in indie pop music videos usually wear bright colours whereas in indie soul they tend to wear more dull colours. Although our chosen genre is indie pop we decided to select a darker colour palette for the boys costume change in the music video as we wanted it to reflect his mood and age.

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