Saturday 3 December 2016

Changes made to promotional poster

The purpose of a promotional poster is to promote the artist. Once we had finished what we thought was our final edit for our promotional poster we decided to show our teacher for feedback. Altogether we realised aspects of what we had created on Photoshop didn't match up to the standards of a promotional poster promoting the genre indie pop, so we decided to redo it.

As we were stuck on ideas we decided to look back at our RMA research.

Lana Del Rey's promotional poster really stood out to us as it is simple and straight to the point. We relaised that the most important part of the poster should be the artist's name followed by a clear photo of them. We originally used a different photo to the digipak. Making this descion was a mistake as the photo didn't link to the album. In fact it didn't even show the artists face. Another thing which needed changing was the layout of the poster. As the photo we used was a screenshot the imageon Photoshop was atomically set to landscape instead of portrait.
Changes made
  • Photo
  • Tittle size and colour
  • Layout
  • no 'out now'
  • no social media links
  • release date added
First edit
Final edit

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