Thursday 1 December 2016

Digipak - Front panel


For the front cover I originally wanted to take head shots of our actress Summer on a different day to shooting so that the album promotes all of the artists work. However, the photos I took which are shown on the blog 'potential photos for digipak and promotional poster' didn't show any form of star image which was important for my partner and I as we wanted the target audience to relate to her work as much as possible. As I didn't take many successful portraiture photos I decided rewatch all the videos and take a screenshot of when direct eye contact between Summer and the camera was made.

The first thing I did was upload the screenshot to Photoshop CS6. I decided to change the photo into black and white so it would enable me to change the settings drastically without the original image looking too pixelated. As the black and white image was looking soft and unedited I sharpened the image with the gradient tool on the right panel so that the dark colours would appear even darker.

From research on RMA's artists such as Birdy tend to use a vintage theme to their work to illustrate their chosen genre i.e. indie pop. As I have picked an artist from the same genre I thought I would take inspiration from other RMA's into my front panel. In the end I decided to choose a vignette filter from Google images. The vignette filter is a retro filter which naturally brings your eyes to centre image, which in this case will be the girl.

As I placed the image onto Photoshop the opaque filter completely covered the first layer. To stop this from happening I changed the opacity to 11% . The reason I decided on having such a low percentage was to stop it from being such a distraction to the original image.

I had previously created the artist logo from a font website online (1001 Free Fonts: Download 32973 Fonts). I wanted the font to look handwritten to make the album look personal to the artist. Like the filter I also decided to change the opacity of the logo to 69%  to match the theme of the artwork. As you can see I placed the logo top left of the panel, I did this because I wanted to make the album name centre. I decided on the colour of the text by using the Eyedropper tool to selected the lightest colour of the image which I then filled in using the Paint bucket tool.

Choosing the name of the album was quite challenging As it needed to suit all the songs. In the end my partner and I decided on the name Breathe which will also be a name of a song from the album. The reason we decided on the name breathe is because the album is about taking a breather and moving on from a unstable relationship.

I didn't think it was was right to repeat the font which I used for logo for the album name, the reason is because I thought the artist will be able to contentiously use the logo for future releases without it looking too overused. To create the album name I wrote the text onto PowerPoint which I then copied and pasted onto Photoshop. The chosen font I used was called Nueva Std. The boarder around the text was unintentional however I found it quite interesting and intriguing on the eye as its different. As you can see the opacity has been changed to 26%.

After all the informative information was added to the front panel it still looked rather bare so I decided to add in straight lines using the Line tool. After adding the lines in, it really brought the artwork of the album together.

Finally to complete to front panel I darkened the image even more using the Curves tool on the right hand panel.


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