Friday 2 December 2016

Digipak - Inside panel

I decided I wanted the inside panel to be an 'inside' to the singers life. I thought the perfect way of expressing this idea of mine would be from using a collage of polaroid films bundled together.
As I wanted it to look as realistic as possible I decided to pick a template from google Images.


Image result for polygonal lasso toolTo cut the example photos out of the original image I used the Polygonal lasso tool on PhotoShop. The reason why I decided to use the Polygonal lasso tool instead of the popular Lasso tool was so I could get a neat cut on the image. I then deleted the existing image and placed the new image as a layer to fill the gap in. The process of doing this was very time consuming as each image had to be individual cut and placed as a new layer.

This was my first draft for the inside panel. As you can see, I wanted to go for an autumnal/relationship theme to match the music video my partner and I had made. However, as some of the images weren't my own I couldn't this as my final as it would be plagiarism.
In the end I decided to redo the inside panel using the photos  from my camera roll which I had taken.



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