Saturday 3 December 2016

Promotional poster

My partner Imogen and I began editing our promotional poster after we finished our digipak. We decided that we wanted to keep it simple and straight the point as the purpose of a promotional poster is to promote the release of an album.

The first thing we did was upload the image onto Photoshop CS6 which was a screenshot taken at 01:27 of the music video my partner and I had made to the song 'Set Sail'. I decided to pick it as the final image for the promotional poster as it shows narrative and performance. As there is no star image within the photo, we decided to add another photo of the artist/actress to enforce artist recognition within the target audience. However, as we didn't want the photo to be too distracting we changed the opacity of the image to 80%.

Between us, we decided that the most important feature of the poster should be the artists name/logo therefore we decided to locate it centre image. To try make the logo even more eye catching we changed the colour of it to black by using the paint bucket tool. We were originally planning on using the same font we had used for the album name. However, once pasted onto the poster it looked out of place with the arrangement.

We found the out now writing from Google images. To attract the audiences attention I wanted the writing to be big and bold. At first I was planning on using a font from PowerPoint. However, none of them fitted theme of the promotional poster. As the photo was taken from google images it had a white background. To erase it, we simply dragged the Magic wand tool from the panel on the left and clicked on what we wanted to erase. To make the writing stand out even more I changed the colour of it to a brighter red.

We thought it was important to use social media logos on the promotional poster to make it clear to the audience on where you can find and listen to the album. We decided on choosing iTunes, YouTube, Spotify, Facebook and Twitter.

For the finishing touches of the poster we added a decorative box and additional lines to continue the theme of the digipak.

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