Sunday, 18 September 2016

Digipak Deconstruction

Lana Del Rey-Digipak
Front Panel

BornToDieAlbumCover.png (300×300)

The front panel displays a medium close up of Lana's face and body. The shot allows us to see her costume as it's taken from her waist upwards. The simplicity of the design allows us as the audience to focus on Lana's vintage style and character. star image is created through direct eye contact between her and the camera.

Inside Panel 1
We are given this continued theme through the Mise-en-Scene of vintage and classiness represented from the inside of the digipak with a spreading image across two panels. Lana continues this placid and innocent expression that could be a contradiction to the albums name "Born To Die" giving the artwork a narrative. One not being specific but giving the albums name, she could be waiting for the moment of her death to become apparent. However the image doesn't necessarily express a story about the artist, apart from a representation of her style and character. 

Image result for born to die cd pictures

The C.D has a white background with three roses which represents innocence and purity. As the roses are very bold and striking I think there is a strong connection to power and strength. These flowers are also to be found at funerals which links back to the album name "Born To Die".There is no title name on the C.D as it has been designed to draw attention to the flowers.

Back Panel and Side Panel

Image result for lana del rey back cd

The back and side panel are very minimalistic as it only consits of two colours blue and white. The writing used is the same as the writing on the front cover so when people are to pick the C.D up they will identify it as Lana Del Rey's album by just looking at the writing. The American flag is now the apparent symbolisation as links have been made to the tracking list, National Anthem and Million dollar Man.Million dollar Man.

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